Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Make Money by Flipping Websites

Flipping websites and domains is nothing new in today’s online-money-making business. Back in the 90′s, there was a rush of registering domain names after Marc Ostrofsky sold Business.com for over 7 million dollars! Unfortunately, I didn’t know anything about how to earn money online at the time and missed the opportunity. Nowadays, it’s very hard to find a good domain name that hasn’t been registered.
However, there is still a potential to earn in this area. The general approach would be registering domain names that other people have never registered and then later selling them at much higher prices. You would have a lot of trouble finding unregistered domain names ends in .com. So try .net.co.uk.info instead.
You can purchase domain names at iDotz.net, domains names ends in .info is currentlyonly $4.99 per year there. It would be a good idea to stock up some domain names, since they will almost always appreciate in value. If you are such a big fan of .com domains, try to register domain names relating to a new niche or a just released product. For example, when netbooks were developed, you would have made a fortune if you registered say, netbooks.com.
Another approach would be buying existing domains and websites. This can be really costly, so only do this if you know what you are doing. This would require extensive research on the domain or the website you are considering to purchase. For example, you need to determine the website’s age, page rank and monthly traffic etc. Usually, the older the domain, the better and the more expensive it will be. You can find most of the domain information at www.cubestat.com. It also gives you an estimated price of the domain. But remember, that price is only an estimate, usually it’s too high for its value.
You can purchase and sell domain names at iDotz.Net Domain MarketPlace. After you bought the domains, it would be a good idea to create some quality content and build some backlinks to some of the domains. This will make the selling part so much easier.
Just remember to always stay ahead of the curve, so you will be ready when the opportunity arrives.

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